Our new model is now beginning its trial period of 14 months. Over the next few weeks you will see new things appearing. A Discernment Board for the wall facing the old vault, and a pocket for holding the forms on which you may name what you would like to begin, along with your contact information. When you name something, you invite others to join with you in the activity, be it a book group, a fundraiser or a letter writing campaign (to name just a few ideas). It is your passion, your interest and you take responsibility for forming the group.
Once you have filled out the form just place it in the Discernment Box which will be close to the forms. A member of the Executive will collect the forms every few days and once they’ve been noted, if they don’t require funds, they’ll be placed on the Discernment Board for others to sign up if they share a similar interest. If your suggestion requires funds it will be brought to the Executive for discussion and you will be contacted.
Something else that will be appearing will be Circles. There will be one circle for each of the five Ministry Areas in the life of our congregation. These areas are Worship/Faith Formation; Outreach; Inreach/Pastoral Care; Finance/Property and Communication. On these circles or beside them will be listed some of the pieces of support these circles need to thrive. You are invited to sign within the circle the piece of support you would be interested in taking on and the time you have to give to it.
For example, if you were interested in the worship/faith formation circle and go to your cottage all summer, you might choose to sign up to prepare or serve communion and indicate you are available only in the winter/spring seasons. Or, if you are only available in the evenings you might offer to take the bulletins home Friday night and fold them. If you are interested in Outreach but find it difficult to get out you might indicate that you can help from home or if someone can provide transportation.
Last but not least, here are the members of our new governance structure, elected at the congregational meeting on March 10th: The Executive of the Congregation comprises Marilyn Burrell as Chair; Eric Tusz-King, Treasurer; Brenda Allen, Communicator; Ed Burridge, Elder; Craig Brett, Elder. We need one more elder to make our Executive complete and we hope to have a name within the next few weeks to bring to the congregation. Please speak with any of these members of the Executive or with Rev. Catherine if you would like to know more about serving in this capacity.