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June 30 Announcements

We hope that you are well. If you are in need - physically, spiritually, or otherwise - don't hesitate to reach out to us by phone (506-940-1151) or email the minister or office. We are here for you and for each other!

We Gather in Community

Sunday Worship 11am On-site and Online

Our Regular Sunday Worship is held at 11am both in-person at Sackville United and online via our SUC Facebook Page. Mask-wearing and distancing are encouraged but not mandatory. For those not on FB but wishing to watch online, a link to the video of the service will be posted on the church website in the days immediately following the service.

This week we welcome guest speaker Natalie Donaher for an 11am conversation cafe and potluck.  Next week we move to our summer service time of 10:30am, and the gathering online will be streamed here on our website for the month of July.

Coming up this week

Sunday Conversation Cafe and Potluck Sunday 11am onsite/online

Summer Office Hours Thursday 12-3pm

July Sunday Gatherings Sundays 10:30am onsite/online via Vimeo

Previous Sunday Gatherings

Continuing Through the Summer

Queer Coffee Group for Seniors 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 6-8pm Commons

QS4A (Queer Space for Adults) 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30PM

Family Games Night 3rd Thursday @ 6-8PM

Faith Formation

Lectionary Study Group Tuesdays at 10:30AM ON SUMMER PAUSE

This group meets weekly via Zoom to ponder the texts for the coming Sunday and offer connections and insights from our life in community. If you would like to join this active and engaging group of theologians speak to Lloyd for more details.

Faith Exploration for All Ages ON SUMMER PAUSE

Although this program is on pause for the summer, activities are available each Sunday at the back of the sanctuary.  Every second week, wise and compassionate senior leaders meet with the equally wise and compassionate young people in our midst to explore questions of faith, community, justice and mystery through art and conversation. For more information email Gary or Rebecca

Community Care and Support

Queer Coffee Group for Seniors 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 6-8pm Commons

Search on Facebook for the “Gay & Golden Coffee Group” for the opportunity for safe and supportive fellowship and community.  For more information about this new initiative, which meets at the Sackville Commons, please contact Gay & Golden.

Family Games Night 3rd Thursday @ 6-8PM

This games night open to one and all. Bring a friend. Bring some snacks. For more information contact Christy at 506-612-0608 or by email.

QS4A (Queer Space for Adults) 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30PM

A safe space in the Upper Room to gather for conversation and connection. Watch for more information in the days to come!

Parents and Tots Thursdays from 9:30 to 11AM

We gather at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. There is no charge, and volunteers are present to assist with childcare. Bring your young ones for a time of community, play and fellowship (and a chance to chat with other grownups!).

Silent Prayer Circle 2nd Thursday @ 7PM | 4th Thursday @ 9AM ON SUMMER PAUSE

People of all ages and walks of life are invited to gather for a time of silent prayer in the sanctuary for approximately 15-20 minutes. This offers an intentional way to hold in prayer all those persons in our lives for whom we have care and concern. And an understanding that we all carry some heaviness in our lives.  All are welcome.

ON SUMMER PAUSE Coffee with Open Sky Wednesdays at 10AM

Coffee and conversation is held every Wednesday morning at 10am at Sackville United. Bring your appetite for delicious baked goods and conversation - all are welcome!  An important reminder that if public schools are closed, there will be no coffee and conversation that week.

ON SUMMER PAUSE Support Group for Caregivers 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 1:30pm

An informal get-together with light refreshments for current and former caregivers of those with dementia or physical issues to share experiences of their journey. Know that you are not alone. Share news of this group with others who could you some support. Contact Diane Fullerton or Sheina Grant for more details.

Senior's Lunch Group ON SUMMER PAUSE

The Senior's Lunch Group is now on summer pause but will resume in Fall 2024 on the third Tuesday of the month at 11:45am. Bring your lunch and share in community and conversation. For more information email Brenda Allen or call 506-536-2006.

Opportunities to Serve

Worship at the Drew:  ON SUMMER PAUSE You are invited to join Lloyd and Jennie on the first Sunday of each month at 3PM to share in community with the resident. Bring your voice to share in song and your heart to share love and care. Masks are strongly encouraged and are available just inside the entryway.

Share in Leadership at a Sunday Gathering: Seeking summer readers!  Would you be interested in reading on Sunday Morning (including, on some mornings, lighting the Christ Candle)? You may sign up on the list on the Circles of Service Board or by contacting the Church Office.

Sackville Food Bank: Items for the Food Bank can be dropped off at the Church during office hours or on Sunday morning. You can also support the Food Bank through your offering envelope. The Food Bank is also a wonderful place to serve others through your time and talents! Please click here for food insecurity resources in Sackville as well as a list of needed items.

Sackville United Church Choir:  The choir practices regularly on Thursday evenings from 5-5:30pm on Thursday evenings and 10:20am on Sundays.  All are welcome - no audition or experience is necessary, nor is mandatory attendance. Come make a joyful noise with us!  Please contact the church office if you would like to be added to the choir email list. ON SUMMER PAUSE

Benevolent and Affirming Funds:  These two funds allow Sackville United to respond to individual needs of those in our local community.  The Affirming Fund is intended for local LGBTQ2+ persons needing assistance.  Contributions can be made regularly through PAR, by e-transfer, or by indicating the name of the fund to which you wish to contribute on your offering envelope.

Updates from the Office

New Address or Phone Number?: Has your contact information changed?  Please let us know by emailing the church office.

New Church Email Address: We have a new email address for the church!  Over the coming months, we will gradually be shifting over to our new email address  Our previous email will continue to work for the time being.

Broadview Subscriptions: The United Church magazine has a variety of articles that reflect the diverse interests and initiatives of our congregation. Please contact the church office any time of year to renew/begin your subscription through our discounted group subscription rate of only $30/year.

New Alberta NDP leader Naheed Nenshi is the 1st Muslim to lead a major political party in Canada

Office Hours & Contacting The Minister

Church Office Hours: Jennie, the Office Administrator is in the office on Thursdays from 12-3pm. Any changes to this schedule will be posted on the church Facebook page, and, if possible, on the church doors as well.

Minister’s Office Hours: Lloyd is normally in the office on Wednesday mornings and at other times by appointment. You can schedule a meeting with Lloyd by following the link to his Appointment Schedule. Simply select a time that is available and indicate where you would like to meet.


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