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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Musings, On Mondays and Muttering: May 10th 2021

Mondays are a mixed bag for me. Some Mondays unfold with lots of energy and others, well, its a struggle to get started. Today, this second Monday in May falls somewhere in-between. I have lots that needs doing and I’ve gotten a good start at some of those items on the to-do list, but I’m finding myself challenged – not by what needs doing, but by what I long to do and am unable to do: go to the shore and open the trailer.

I was really hoping that I’d be able to spend next week, a week of study leave, engaged in the Homiletics Festival, at the shore…

I had it all planned. I’d go down this week and open up, get the water turned on, get the BBQ down there, set out the chairs, do some cleaning, make up the beds and then go down on Sunday after Church and be there for the week – in between lectures and seminars I’d walk on the beach and throw the ball to Rasta… and instead…

I find myself muttering ‘damn covid’.

And I know I’m not alone.

Thankfully, the sun is shining today and I’m able to do as my father so often reminded me, ‘Keep you chin up… you don’t want to trip over your pouty lip.’

With my chin up I’m able to better see the possibility of the day, better able to see the sun, the green grass, the blooming daffodils and tulips and the pops of yellow dandelions that are beginning to take over the lawn.

Do all things without grumbling (muttering) or questioning… (Philippians 2:14)



PS: I don’t need to be a star in the sky… I just want to go to the shore!!

Looking Ahead

This morning, once I got beyond my muttering, I began working on the liturgy and reflection for the funeral of Mr. David Smith which will take place tomorrow at 1PM. I trust that you will join me in holding David’s family in care and prayer. This afternoon I have a series of meetings and visits booked and will finish up funeral preparations this evening.

Tuesday morning I will gather Preacher’s Help Group at 10:30AM and will look at the texts for this coming Sunday. The funeral is at 1PM after which I will take part in my first seminar as part of the Luther Seminary Sermon Camp.

Wednesday is again filled with meetings beginning with a Moncton Area Clergy Cluster gathering and a meeting of the Ethics Board at the Drew Nursing Home. At 5PM I will host the Virtual Community Dinner and at 8PM Ashley Leger and I will be taking part in national conversation begun by the United Church of Canada on Seeking to Reduce Harm.

Thursday will be a work from home day, crafting a liturgy and sermon for Sunday and Friday and Saturday will be days off.

Sunday May 16th is our regular Food Bank Sunday at Sackville United Church and you are encouraged on this Sunday to bring donations for the local Food Bank. Thank you in advance for your generosity. You can take part in-person or via Facebook Live beginning at 11AM.

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Happy New Year!

Members of Central, Sackville and Visions United Churches, Happy New Year! I have been easing into this new year gently, as I hope you...


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