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Our staff

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Lloyd Bruce

(506) 940-1151 (Mobile)

Email | Make An Appointment 


Lloyd (as he prefers to be called) was ordained by the United Church of Canada in 1991 and has served communities in Alberta, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.


Most recently Lloyd served as Chaplain within the Correctional Service of Canada and then as Operations Officer with Kairos Pneuma Chaplaincy Inc., a company that he and four colleagues formed in 2013.  When their contract with the Correctional Service of Canada ended Lloyd returned to his first calling and shared ministry with the Parrsborough Shore Pastoral Charge before being called to the Sackville Pastoral Charge in May of 2017.


In all of his endeavours, Lloyd brings a deep passion for asking questions and creating community. He serves the larger Church as a Conflict Resolution Facilitator and Educational Supervisor and has the capacity to assist communities in identifying shared interests and values and discerning actionable plans. With his training in Human Resources Management, Lloyd supported the General Council of the United Church through his participation in the Ministry Employment Policy Services Committee.


Lloyd brings to his position as minister, his love for creative communication and meeting people along the way - something he especially enjoyed while riding his motorcycle – discovering in each instance ‘how we are more alike than different’!


The motorcycle and travel to distant places are now but fond memories.  Stories of some of his trips around North America, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, New Zealand and Australia can be found at his now archived blog, The Sabbath Road


Lloyd shares the journey of life with his wife Jennifer and their six awesome kids, two cats and a Service Dog, Rasta, as well as a large community of friends and colleagues. Lloyd spends his sabbath time with family and friends enjoying a little patch of paradise on the shores of the Northumberland Strait.


Huanyun Ye, or Julia, as she prefers, is a Candidate for Ordained Ministry with the United Church of Canada.  Julia earned her Master of Divinity from Tyndale University, and most recently, completed the requirements for Testamur at Emmanuel College.


Julia was born in China, moved to Singapore in her twenties, and immigrated to Canada in 2002, working as a quality engineer in the manufacturer of injection-molded plastics for the automotive industry. 


Julia’s life experience, diversity of friends of a variety of backgrounds, religions, races, and sexual orientations, has fostered deep growth in intercultural competency and the perception and practice, of humanity as equal.


As a first-generation immigrant and first-generation Christian, Julia has evolved and grown in significant ways, endeavouring always to be authentic. It was during her years of full-time study that she made the monumental decision, to answer a call to ministry. 


Most recently Julia served with the Westmount Pastoral Charge in Ontario where she completed her first year of Supervised Ministry Education (SME), before being appointed to the Central, Sackville, Visions Collaborative Ministry Pilot Project, in Team Ministry Team with Lloyd. During the first part of the appointment, she will be complete her second year of SME.


Julia’s understands ministry as meeting people where they are, walking with them on their faith journey, together trying to understand who God is, seeking always to encounter the Sacred when we gather, discerning where God is calling us to be as individuals, as communities of faith, and act in the world remembering we follow Jesus.


In her time-off, Julia visits family and friends, enjoys travelling, trail walking, and trying new recipes, cooking or baking. She has an adult son living in Toronto. 

Julia Ye

Mobile (647) 835-2767


Office administrator

Jennie is our Director of Music and has served in this position since 2004. Jennie has a B.Mus in voice and composition from Mount Allison University and an M.A. in Music from the University of Alberta. She seeks to offer a ministry of music that has something with which all musical and theological tastes can connect, from Be Thou My Vision to Beethoven to Bob Dylan to Beyoncé.


Jennie also serves as Office Administrator. In addition to providing administrative support, such as writing and distributing weekly announcements and managing the day to day finances, she also helps to maintain the Sackville United Church Facebook Page and this website.

Jennie Del Motte

Music Director & Office Administrator

(506) 536-0498 


Past ministers

We apologize in advance for the quality of many of the photos. Unfortunately it is challenging to find good quality digital images from decades past.  If you have a photo of a former minister, and have permission for it be be shared, please be in touch with us using the form below. 

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